Maximize your Revenue and Customer Satisfaction with Product Recommendations
Personalize the product offer for every individual customer. Utilize real-time personalization for a better user experience using our content and collaborative filtering based recommender system.
Your Personalized Product Offer
You May Also Like / Others Also Bought
Cross-sell / Up-Sell by showing products mainly based on collaborative filtering and onsite user behavior.

Frequently Bought Together
Show your users complementary products based on their buying behavior.

Recommended for You
Show your users new product offers based on individual user’s preferences and product similarities.

Personalized Search
Display the most relevant product offers for each individual user to satisfy its specific needs and save time.

Local Deals Trending Near You
Show personalised product offer to your user by using their geo-location.

Popular Right Now / Trending Now
Show the most trending products based on your user purchases and general trend.

Recently Interacted With
Display the products the user recently interacted with.

Core Technology
Adapting to your Data
Personalization based on the Collaborative and Content-based filtering algorithms.
Dynamically Retrained Models
Real-time Personalization for your individual user at every point.
Accelerated Integration
Quick Integration through our well documented and easy to use APIs, SDKs.
AI-powered A/B Testing
To keep maximal KPIs at any time, AutoML AI is applied to optimize the algorithm ensambles.
Advanced Business Rules
Our solutions enables quick and easy addition of any Business Rules through boosters or filters.
Real AI Inside
Formation of Deep Neural Networks helps to predict the next action based on the historical behavior.
How Recombee Works
Success Story
"Placing recommendations on our homepage was a huge success: 70%+ higher product detail page views and 30%+ higher clickthroughs. The Recombee team is a great partner in helping solve our unique use cases, and we look forward to continue working with them."

"Recombee is an amazing recommendation engine which we use for personalizing different parts on our website, including homepage, product detail page, and search. With their solution, we managed to increase our conversion rate by 14% and shopping cart volume by 8%. A great partnership and looking forward to improving our customer journey even more."

"Instead of the lengthy and costly process of building an in-house personalization solution, we seamlessly implemented Recombee's AI-powered recommender engine to improve our services. Applying their tailored scenarios and boosters, we have registered steady improvements ever since, with a 6% increase in 'Add to Cart' and a 37% increase in 'Place Bid'. Thanks to their easy and intuitive integration, Recombee was an obvious choice from the range of personalization solutions."

Our Customers

and 1000+ other sites and apps.